Since a very long time, technology has been changing the restaurant business. Over the past few years, restaurants that have adapted to the newest technologies have grown significantly while still surviving the pandemic. Bigdbiz, a well-known software and app development business, has once again produced a fantastic application that will improve the dining experience for your customers.

Presenting the Bigdbiz digital menu

Order taking manually can be an extremely hectic and time-consuming task. At the end of the day, servers are worn out from the day's tense running around the restaurant with a pen and paper. Manually punching orders and creating KOTs has a high risk of errors and inaccuracies. Additionally, it necessitates multiple trips to the billing counter to complete a single purchase, causing extreme chaos and various other issues.

What is the remedy?

One simple solution!

Instead of pacing the restaurant with a pen and paper in his hand, it enables the server to take orders digitally or verbally right from the customer's table. You don't need more workers to accept orders at busy times because taking orders now only takes a short amount of time. Additionally, it frees up your servers' time, which they can use to focus on other areas of the company.

The KOT for the kitchen crew is automatically generated after the order has been placed. As a result, the server won't need to return to the cash counter to write down the order on a sticky note and deliver a duplicate to the kitchen. Additionally, since all pending orders are presented on a Kitchen Display System (KDS), the kitchen crew no longer needs to keep track of those sticky notes. Additionally, this procedure makes sure that the KOT created in the restaurant and the orders placed are accurate.

Customer demands are always shifting. Food and atmosphere alone won't keep people returning to your establishment. When customers enter and leave your restaurant, their experience should be smooth. To make a deep impression on your customers, each communication and touchpoint must be effective. Rely on reliable technology and this user-friendly tool to manage the running tables and improve your customers' experience. Get rid of the overwhelming and exhausting feeling since bigdbiz digital menu is here to help.

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