It's difficult to run a clothing company. There are many operational complexities, especially when it comes to inventory, ranging from sourcing through sales, warehouse management, and distribution. A single item needs to be recorded separately because it can vary greatly in terms of color, size, and style, whether it's a shirt or a pair of shoes. It's understandable why the majority of those in the sector prioritize inventory management systems when considering garment ERP programs.

Many organizations are just unaware of their alternatives, and there are a number of other features and advantages that frequently go unnoticed. Remember that a reputable software seller will take the time to discuss any particular needs you may have and will offer suggestions for capabilities that will help your company. Finding a vendor with business experience is advantageous for this reason. The following are some characteristics that are crucial to those in the apparel industry:

Matrix of Apparel

The ability to enter quantities in a matrix format with many product variations, such as colour,style, size, etc., considerably facilitates order entry and purchasing for garments. Another benefit is that it makes it simple to view a product's availability within the system. Let's imagine, for instance, a customer wishes to order 20 green shirts in size small. You can quickly check the system to see if the precise item is available and decide whether you can fill the order right away or if it needs to be backordered. Users don't need to enter items line by line when using matrix functionality to enter, amend, and manage inventory items.


In many firms, inventory and accounting systems still require manual data entry from significant documents. Process automation is essential for increasing production and maintaining competitiveness in the market today. Faster operations and fewer errors result from fewer manual processes. The garment sector gains a lot from implementing a back-end system with digital document management, including:

1. Easy document storage, indexing, and retrieval, including for logos and design prototypes.

2. When speaking with customers on the phone or examining various design possibilities, it is helpful.

3. The capacity to save sensitive data electronically rather than on paper in order to keep it secure.

4. Reduces the requirement for actual storage space.

Purchase Orders for Transformation

A transformation purchase order is created when a single existing inventory item is changed into one or more additional products by a third-party vendor. In the clothing sector, this might involve a third party vendor modifying an original item of inventory by adding branding, graphics, embroidery, or other design features. When using transformation purchase orders, converted items have a cost that includes the cost of both the original root product and the additional processing fees from the third party vendor. New purchase orders and drop ship information are automatically created in multi-step processes involving numerous vendors. For the incremental costs, the system immediately generates payables, and the transformation purchase orders can also disassemble assembled inventories.

Relationship Management with Customers

Integrated customer relationship management features eliminate the need to track and maintain relationships in separate systems or in Excel by providing a single point of entry for all supplier/vendor and customer information in terms of names and addresses. Find a system that enables you to: when looking for CRM functionality.

1. Create rapid quotations for existing and potential clients, and upon acceptance,transform quotes into sales orders.

2. Make guidelines for contract pricing (price lists for specific customers based on negotiated prices and terms)

3. Record all telephone and email conversations with potential clients, partners, and customers.

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