Managing multi-outlets in various locations is a difficult endeavor. Separating concepts, ensuring a consistent client experience, and managing several individuals are all tasks for management.

The labor of the restaurateur does not end when a restaurant closes because it is a difficult job that takes a full day of concentration. Among other things, they have to compile statistics, look at sales, and compute profits. Although effective executives and staff help to lighten the load, they cannot entirely be relied upon. Given how much work it takes to keep a single restaurant running, managing many outlets seems like a pipe dream.

Whether you're currently running numerous restaurants or thinking about growing your current business, we'll cover all you need to know to manage many restaurants successfully in this article.

Choosing a strategy is the first dilemma

Should you try to replicate your success or should you try something new?

After your first restaurant/Bakery is successful, you can either branch out and try various themes or open additional restaurants with the same concept. Whatever route you take, you are already aware of the difficulties facing the sector and may gain from them.

When opening several restaurants/Bakeries, the idea, the location, and the target market must all be carefully taken into account. You will need to put in time and effort to figure out these factors if you want to introduce new eateries with a distinct thought process.

You'll need POS (Point of Sale) software to keep track of all of them whether you're attempting something new or opening in new locations with the same idea as your previous restaurants. Similar to what Bigdbiz Bakery/Restaurant POS has to offer.

Because a lack of operational control is the most important problem restaurant operators confront when operating several locations. One must rely on the financial reports provided by each store's manager. This is a labor-intensive manual operation with a chance for errors and thefts. You may view real-time reports for all of your locations with a cloud-based restaurant software solution at any time from a mobile device.

How to manage various outlets effectively is the second dilemma

Let's look at what the Bigdbiz Bakery/Restaurant POS software delivers to the restaurants/bakeries in terms of making their jobs easier now that we've established the value of having it. When employing POS software, a restaurant's owner has complete control over all aspects of the business.

From inventory to customer satisfaction, the owner can control everything from any place and on any gadget, even his Smartphone. A POS system can help a restaurant manage several locations efficiently in the ways indicated below:


When you have several outlets, it can be tedious to keep track of the goods used at each one. Comprehensive information on the daily stock utilization at each store are provided via an integrated POS software. If your business has a central kitchen, you may easily manage stock circulation based on the needs of each location.

You can also set up re-order quantities for raw materials, giving you the opportunity to arrange orders before they go out of stock. Direct creation of purchase orders is possible using the POS system. This makes tracking your inventory simple.


With so many stores to manage, it is impractical for the owner to personally be present at every one of them at all times. This creates numerous potential for internal theft and misappropriation.

Features in restaurant management software that give the owner real-time updates on what is happening in his numerous locations help to solve this problem. He can easily keep track of everything that happens thanks to this.

With remote control over each location provided by Bigdbiz Bakery/Restaurant POS, you may run any establishment, anywhere in the globe, as the owner.


The hardest problem with several franchise restaurants is standardization of tastes, quality, and quantity. Using the Recipe Management function in the restaurant management system, this is easily performed.

It enables you to develop a standard recipe for every item that is followed in every location, guaranteeing that the cuisine is consistently produced each time, even when it is prepared by various chefs. If the item needs to be updated, you only need to make one recipe change, and it will be reflected in all outlets.

While we're talking about standardizing recipes, it's also essential for restaurants to maintain similar sizes across all of their locations, a practice known as food portioning.


The manual entry of menus into the POS systems at each location when there are several outlets of the same brand makes it difficult to change the menu. Even with four or five locations, it is still feasible. If you run a chain of 50 restaurants throughout the nation, think about the amount of time and effort it takes to change the menu at each site.

The use of restaurant management software makes this issue easily solvable. Any changes made to the main POS Menu are immediately mirrored in all outlets, or in just the ones you want to be updated.

Restaurants that use POS software to handle several locations might gain from a variety of advantages. Adopt restaurant management systems in this current era of technological breakthroughs to easily and successfully run your dream restaurant chain!

What other options are there? is the third dilemma.

Let's examine how a restaurant/bakery might manage several outlets by making efficient and effective use of its resources.


The majority of huge chain restaurants struggle with marketing in various regions. A marketing campaign that is effective in one place could not be in another. Running outlet-level deals and discounts takes time, and these campaigns should be tailored to the locale's target market.

Using a Bigdbiz Bakery/Restaurant POS, you may create customized campaigns for various outlets. You can run special offers and discounts for a certain location if you see a decline in sales there.


Like the guest experience, the atmosphere in your restaurants needs to be the same everywhere. By making simple decisions regarding lighting levels, music playlists, and table arrangements, you can replicate the atmosphere your customers come to expect whenever they visit one of your restaurants.


Continuity of instruction across all of your locations will ensure that the restaurant's/Bakery’s processes run smoothly every time.

With our POS software, Bigdbiz ensures that all types of restaurants and bakeries will experience increased sales, decreased costs, and improved operational efficiency. It features a lot of modules that are essential for successfully managing a restaurant.

Again, Managing multi-outlets in various locations is a difficult chore, but with Bigdbiz, it will be simple.

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